Thursday, May 15, 2008


One word, three easy syllables
A world of weighted, dragging pulls
Sitting on my shoulder and shaking its head

The harsh grip of a cheese grater
Cutting healing wounds ever raw
As I clutch the paltry glittering prize.

Cages of the imperfect
Potential hanging ominously above
Consequences hemming in on all sides
So much room to stand,
and none to rest.


Scratch said...

You wrote that very fast...

Brass Baboon said...

Yeh. I have the speed just not the patience.

Brass Baboon said...

And it doesn't make it good..


I rote a few poetries at camp.

Must remember to post em. Truth

Scratch said...

It is good, you know that. And so do I.

post-it said...

tehe yea abi is soo true it a gud poem!