Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
To Smile and to Cry
The smile that tugs
At the tired corners
Of your night time face
The warmth inside your ribs
Like a hot water bottle
Next to your heart.
The silent music that sends
Your limbs to trembling dance
And sitting still is holding
An arm full of ginnie pigs.
The gravity that tugs
A rinsing waterfall
From hiding eyes.
The chill inside your soul
That wraps your limbs like a cradle
Around your aching heart.
The silent voice that echoes
Down dimly lit corridors
The tear that lets the pain
Wash slowly away.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
A Gentle Plea
How are ya?
Anyhoo onto business.
(I know I know, you are thinking "This poem is RUBBISH!" Well. It's not a poem. So yeh.)
What I mean to say, is if you happen to peruse my back catalogue - anything before say April-May of this Year the 2000 of 8.
And you find something that you really like, or something that you think has lots of potential.
Please lemme know which ones.
Cause I'm looking to assemble a bit of a book for print (I know, Jack and the Beanstalk but there you have it), so I'm trying to pick out the goodies. Only I don't really know half the time.
So you'd be doing me a huge favour.
Any ones you really like.
Just like email me. Or post a comment to tell me which ones or sommink
I would be most gratefull.
Have a nice day.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
An Emotional Response to "Karma Police"
And pile them up in storm clouds
I know you like to let it rain now and then
The government took all your toys
And threw them in a iron box
You can't be trusted to play it safe
Hold hands with the other children
And forget about your loss.
They have civil servants to feel your pain,
now and again
Post the envelope, have your say
Pick a tyrant on the day
Tongue tied and dignified,
Sign your rights away.
By all means carry signs in to heaven
Paint your black words
Against the bleached white of their success
Shaking fists and raising lungs
Rain on their parade
You've got a straw man's chance in hell
They wish you all the best.
How's your fella
Does he treat you well? Are
You loving your life
As the pumpkin princess,
In a fleeting ball dress
And a fleeing pale mess.
I hope it's working out
And he sees what you're about.
Not just some discarded glass shoes
Orphaned on the steps.
Eventime Musings on a Camp Evening
Where light springs unbidden from the glee of a hanging moon
Flitting like winter quickened sparrows
From bastion to bastion, between overhanging sky.
Cell coverage stretches perilously thin,
Bleeding out to the white signal of nature.
Were you and I to share one single clouded breath
Were us two to be linked as warm air flees to freezing death
What strange encumberance these feeble phones,
Collections of plastic, gold, and whirring life, compared
To the moonlit splendour of faces real;
Stealing no more moments as they arc into damp unknown
Perhaps to be gathered in like lost sheep
When the sun drives reality back beneath our eyelids.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
One word, three easy syllables
A world of weighted, dragging pulls
Sitting on my shoulder and shaking its head
The harsh grip of a cheese grater
Cutting healing wounds ever raw
As I clutch the paltry glittering prize.
Cages of the imperfect
Potential hanging ominously above
Consequences hemming in on all sides
So much room to stand,
and none to rest.
You want to mess with me?
I can take you down a notch
Spill the beans I’ll spill your blood
Tooth for tooth, splotch for splotch
Scream your death threats little man
Come and catch me if you can
Uzis strapped to both my hands
Gun you down boy
Gun you down
I’ll flipping waste the lot of you
Fat dumb stupid dumb fat dumb
Stupid. If you listened when you glistened
Spittle precipitating on your quivering chins
I’ll lay you down boy
I’ll smoke you bad
Sooner or later the gun always wins.
A Majority
Crumple bits of dead paper
Your ticks are arcane scrawlings
Abraided by the sands of time
Your crosses fireflies trying
To outshine the sun
A meeting, a raising of voice
But a fleeting kiss of time
An unkempt whisper
A point of order
Diffuse chaotic
Season words with sage and thyme
Yes dear sir you have the choice
Tick yes for no and no for pass
We’ll swap directions if you ask
Finger to your pocket BANG
Rubber gloved, plastic loved
You shatter at the birthing pangs
Our doors are always open
Come in, go out
Just leave the light on
For those who care.
Shallow words cut swathes
Cross futures unfurrowed
No minds smile at tomorrow’s dawn
I wallow in the mire of stubborn thought
Track through treacle
Frozen eagle
Chosen people
My mind slowly jumbles
Rugged ragged clothes
Raging through the drier
Steam the sin, thought and intelligence
Flog your feeble bitter body
Leave humility one step higher
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Line by line
You tool! You moron!
Wrong all this time
Paint a portrait of honesty
But leave me out
I can't fake the smile
I don't get what it's about
Every star shines brighest
In the middle of the darkness
I string these thoughts
Yo tell the time
Go sell yourself something useless
Line by line
Eat it up till you are full
Just leave me what is mine.
(Let me fob you off with excuses
You tumble from the cloth, and the use is
Me standing there with the cutlery unmoved
The kiss of gravity departs unloved.)
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Me and my flatmates just got into a big argument over what constitutes good music.
I was vocally analysing the hip-hop and rap they were listening to.
Classic example - Dr Dre
-lyrics show little creativity or poetry or rhythme. The 'song' is entirely about how everyone is wrong when they say he is no good at music.
-rhythme is super basic and entirely identical throughout.
-the backing music etc is also super basic and unvarying.
-the clip was trashy and boring. More or less entirely scantily clad women shaking butt cheeks.
I was of the oppinion that if he wanted to silence his critics he should go out and make an actual good song (about whatever) and say "There is my reply" rather than pulling out a load of basic, artless whining rubbish.
But then again I tend to have strong reservation about rap and hip-hop in general. Although some of the artists are very good with words, they generally fritter their talent away with the banal and base. Furthermore I like music to be musical. Reading poetry with a basic riff and beat in the background will never to me be quality music. Because where is the music?
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Don’t forget these last regrets
A widow’s black and final look back
You stack up straight like a Lego tower
All those colours bleeding, blending
Hold hands like the world is ending.
Samson on his rickety bridge
Pushing towers far apart
Strains his arms to push back time
I wonder if he wrote his wife
Shifts his feet when cracks arrive.
Onwards into the rear view mirror
Blow the headlights a farewell kiss
You topple like an ancient tree
All those thoughts went to your head
And your head went to the ground.
Those lush gaping caverns were a nostrel miner's paradise.
His hair was parted like the Red Sea, revealing lice like Pharoh's drowning chariots.
He applied the breaks as though he thought they were meant to be used on the car in front of him.
The movie was as gripping as the climactic finish of a particularly close potato race.
The movie was as gripping and climactic as this other movie that I once saw that was also gripping and climactic. Only I saw the other one first so I didn't get the two confused.
The phrase "Rome wasn't built in a day" is in fact the earliest known reference to night-shift work.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
What was there to say? Nice trousers I said.
Thanks, he said.
We went our seperate ways.
Monday, May 05, 2008
I never saw such pretty music
Was it an angel played for me?
No angel ever sung so sweet
No person ever played so free
You are morning on the piano
A sunrise on my ears
You tingle down my spine and so
I can’t bring words to bear
Are my eyes now sweating?
Sorrows are for forgetting
When it’s you I hear
Saturday, May 03, 2008
She brings
Life to the end of the tunnel
A torch to hide from shadows
Feet to frollick in the rain
Softest musics to my tired brain.
Bell rings
In a house made of velvet and oak
All dressed up but now she is broke
Like my heart as I stare through the rain
Saddest musings in my tired brain.
Dirt sings
Hollow and dark like a tunnel
She's hiding in the shadows
And grass dancing in the rain
Softest musics, I visit her again.
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