Tuesday, April 01, 2008

1 April.

There once was a man with an unusually silly chin. He had moongrass for hair, and wore a coat made of pure laughter. His thoughts were buttercups and lillies in lines like soldiers, trumpeting their silent silence. A band of deaf people were his cufflinks.

His chin lived on a cloud with a letterbox. One day, all of a sudden, there was mail. He didn't know what to do! He was of two minds - one chicken the other potato and gravy - check the mail or let it stew for a few hours to bring out the juices...

Everything was decided when, out of nowhere, nothing appeared. This took him completely by surpirse. He huffed in a great breath, sucking in chin, cloud, and letterbox; like a steam train running in reverse, little frilly bits of cloud dust getting tangled in his beard.

"Oh my goodness jellyfish!", he almost cried out, "What shall I do now?" After nearly pondering this for almost a certain period of time, he finally decided to sneeze and be done with it.

And so he sneezed. A greater and more terrifying sneeze was seldom seen at such a time and place as he was standing. "KAFOOOM!" cried his nostrels in hideous glee, flaring like twin dying suns. "MOOOOFAKKK!" came the echo tumbling back from the outer reaches of nearby. Out came his chin, surfing the cacophony like a tidal wave, sicked back haird and chizzled pecks gleaming in the sun which was nearly about to rise. Out came the cloud like a bowl of runny humility, streaming about the place with gusto, bouncing off walls and furniture (of which there was none) until atlast it came to rest beneath the absent refridgerater.

Finally, out came the mailbox, tumbling in the wind of its own passage. Flying at such a great speed that it collided with itself and shattered into a million pieces, each one a perfect miniature of George Bush. But... the mail was nowhere to be seen.

Some say it is still in his stomach. Some say he turned into a cat and drank it in his morning milk. Some say it was written in French so he wouldn't have been able to read it anyway so it doesn't really matter in the grander scheme of things. And some say it lived happily ever after.

The END.

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