Monday, February 23, 2009

Some thoughts

Well Hi.

I dunno if anyone actually reads this. But if you do, I'd like to give you a bit of an insight as to how I roll. When writing poetry, sometimes what I write is about a real person (subjects vary), sometimes that person is just an imaginary one (like Im writing about someone I'm imagining) and sometimes it's just the poetry that pops into my head. So yeh, these days if I have no specific subject in mind I tend to default to writing about a girl. I'm a guy who writes poetry about girls. Sue me.

Yeh. And often a phrase, couplet, or poem just springs into my mind, when I read a book or watch a movie. Sometimes I post em in as is. Sometimes I flesh them out some more. Even I don't know who these poems are about. Truth puddings.

So yeh. That's more or less how I write poems. Oh and sometimes I write poems expressing how other people feel, or at least how I IMAGINE they feel. These ones are generally the ones I like best, and I think generally the best written. Mostly bescause I think my own ones are over emotional toffle and arsehat, or mindlessly pointless as not being about anyone in partikilar, or whatnot.

Im in the process of putting a book of poetry together that I hope to one day publish and stuff. Hopefully I can weed out the arsehat and leave in ones that will be worth your time, dear reader (if in fact you exist)

So I leave you with about as much insight into my musings as I presently have. If you wish to know who/what a poem is really about, please do ask. I'm usually happy to say.

Truth puddings.

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