Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Los Meranderos

I dried up. A child on a network As she led me to a smaller world of electronic toys and bees that come up to your knees. I am not asleep when she patterns in her delicate ways and I shut my eyes so tight to hide my trembling face. I cannot block her savory sweet smell. The sound of an orange peeling, the sniff of dawn. She has found my every nook
The hiding places of another me to see where I wandered down the garden path. Am I so far from home? Am I lost and alone? All is nothing when viewed. The way is made clear when seen from above. A dove lies on my back. Cooing softly, a humble tree in the sightless isle of me. Can I understand its alien life? Or whisper to its feral mind? I am not this man I see. I am not me not anymore. Why rejection, why confusion, why this pattering in the rain in softsouled shoes. A shoulder to cry on is not to be scoffed at. Sold maybe, to the highest bidder. Is it me? Will I even care?

You are the evergreens. You are the horizon that greets me wherever I turn. You are my start and finish. My beginning and destination. Destiny is nothing but a string of choices. You make the line golden, rolling over the slights of the past. Dirigibles, zepplins, hovercraft… flying is a thing of the past. Left to the budgies with their haunting chirps and wide vantage. All is as it should be. The other day I left my toothbrush at your place. Am I home, or am I sleeping on foreign soil? You are the oasis in the desert of my job. Calling you daily is easy. Dialing.. Please hold… I told the boss, that there was nothing more important than giving you a call. Maybe a name. Maybe a coating of lemon on sugar. Savory sweet…. Familiarity breeds a family. But all is not-a-thing. Flashing eyes like siege weaponry. You can break down walls with a thought, a breath. You are the cardboard I pack my life in. You make everything fit. I may put my work down for a while and give you a call.

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