Wednesday, December 03, 2003

The rain fell like glass
On the slick granite
And the hike seems forever
Through the icy midnight
The grim slanting shrubs
Claw at passing feet
With scrabbling claws
The gentle breeze
The rain slants
And the earth reaches higher
In the obscurred horisons
Craving for a fire
The wandering minds
Lost focus to the cold
Leg on leg on leg
Continues the endless chant
Sense an opportunity for a laugh
Snatched away by chill air
And a cloud of shiverring breath
Time to break again here.
Sweating ferocious
Despite the new whistling rain
Slapping at the skin
Vying for a patch of warmpth
Stolen hours ago
And then summoning strength
For a resumption
Onwards and upwards
In the thinning, seething atmosphere

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