Emerging from the winter
Wakes you up to the cold
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
He was a good man
Remember him as a good person
Always with a smile that made itself
And a joke tucked safe in his pocket
Next to his battered pack of cigarettes
Remember him as a good person
Just a day away from reaching himself
Trying to find the softer shade
That wraps itself around the next tree along
Remember him as a lost person
When is wallet ran dry to his thirst
That struck deeper than any bar could reach
He would strike up a match and swallow down
Some rich cotton wool smoke
And waited for his patience to fray.
Remember him as a lost person
With boots scuffed from the kick of the earth
And licked over with layers of old dust
With eyes that peered out, wrapped beneath
Layers of worried wrinkling skin
But with hands soft enough to keep his word
And straight teeth that remembered
The taste of unvarnished youth.
Remember him as a good person
Who lost his questions in haystacks
Where they were too safe from answers
And the answers he found, Were distorted in glass
Till he didn't want any around.
Always with a smile that made itself
And a joke tucked safe in his pocket
Next to his battered pack of cigarettes
Remember him as a good person
Just a day away from reaching himself
Trying to find the softer shade
That wraps itself around the next tree along
Remember him as a lost person
When is wallet ran dry to his thirst
That struck deeper than any bar could reach
He would strike up a match and swallow down
Some rich cotton wool smoke
And waited for his patience to fray.
Remember him as a lost person
With boots scuffed from the kick of the earth
And licked over with layers of old dust
With eyes that peered out, wrapped beneath
Layers of worried wrinkling skin
But with hands soft enough to keep his word
And straight teeth that remembered
The taste of unvarnished youth.
Remember him as a good person
Who lost his questions in haystacks
Where they were too safe from answers
And the answers he found, Were distorted in glass
Till he didn't want any around.
I don't know what this says about me but..
I’ve always had a subtle kind of loathing
Held in special reserve for those
Self-promoting reporters
Who on first blush appear simple agents of the daily news
But in reality breathe the stuff of endings.
And feed off our collective emotional conscience.
Always earching for the next tear jerking tear jerker
And the irony is, the more we cry the less we feel
Till our ducts are held hostage by each new day’s
Grander homage to
Some nobody that nobody knew,
And nobody cared about
Who had the good fortune to die in a way that left some shine in his name
To be gobbled up like candy by the ever circling vultures
Who can smell these corpses a mile away
And whose pens cut deeper than any talons or beak that nature ever made
I for one, would care to die in obscurity
Whatever faint glow my passing leaves behind
Gently decaying amongst my dreams
As they too are reborn
Composted into new vitality
Under the fingers of a new mind
One who gives a damn. One who knows
One who cares about
The intangible stuff that fortune tries to pluck away from our names
To be carried aloft like the green olive shoots
Grasped in the delicate claws of Noah’s dove
A messenger, crying in silent voice “New lands ahoy!”
Held in special reserve for those
Self-promoting reporters
Who on first blush appear simple agents of the daily news
But in reality breathe the stuff of endings.
And feed off our collective emotional conscience.
Always earching for the next tear jerking tear jerker
And the irony is, the more we cry the less we feel
Till our ducts are held hostage by each new day’s
Grander homage to
Some nobody that nobody knew,
And nobody cared about
Who had the good fortune to die in a way that left some shine in his name
To be gobbled up like candy by the ever circling vultures
Who can smell these corpses a mile away
And whose pens cut deeper than any talons or beak that nature ever made
I for one, would care to die in obscurity
Whatever faint glow my passing leaves behind
Gently decaying amongst my dreams
As they too are reborn
Composted into new vitality
Under the fingers of a new mind
One who gives a damn. One who knows
One who cares about
The intangible stuff that fortune tries to pluck away from our names
To be carried aloft like the green olive shoots
Grasped in the delicate claws of Noah’s dove
A messenger, crying in silent voice “New lands ahoy!”
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